Non Zero Dispersion Shifted single mode fiber



Non Zero Dispersion Shifted single mode fiber



FiberHome® Non Zero Dispersion Shifted single mode fiber is comprehensively optimized for  attenuation and dispersion performance at the 1550nm operating wavelength.The fiber has moderate dispersion at 1550 nm,which enables excellent performance in multi-channel Dense Wavelength Division Multiplex(DWDM) systems traditionally operating in the C-band(1525nm-1565nm),as well as in emerging L-band (1565nm-1625nm) systerms. multichannel high –speed services over one single fiber.




FiberHome® Non Zero Dispersion Shifted single mode fiber has large effective area and can meet the requirements of high output power EDFA and multi-channel dense wavelength division multiplexing system (DWDM),and can be effectively applied in the high bit-rate both single-and multi-channel, long distance digital transmission links even without dispersion compensation. The fiber offers considerate dispersion and the high power signal is distributed over a large effective area. Through the two ways, the non-linear optical effects such as four-wave mixing, self-phase modulation, modulation instability and cross phase modulation are suppressed. Thus, the fiber can satisfy the demand of DWDM transmission system.